St Monica's Catholic Primary School


Home » Typography

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

This is a standard paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec varius metus. Quisque nisl est, interdum eu augue eget, imperdiet commodo diam. Vivamus a tellus quis dolor mattis rhoncus ut nec nisi. Etiam suscipit urna eleifend, finibus eros sed, commodo dui. Etiam dictum porta lorem eget accumsan. Duis sit amet iaculis erat, non aliquet mi. Suspendisse fermentum arcu vel sem sollicitudin vestibulum. Phasellus vitae enim convallis, vestibulum elit a, porta urna. Suspendisse sit amet est a turpis vestibulum vulputate ut sit amet turpis.

This is text media block

This text is Thin. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Extra Light. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Light. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Regular. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Medium. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Semi Bold. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Bold. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Extra Bold. Lorem ipsum dolor.

This text is Black. Lorem ipsum dolor.

Small text

Medium text

Large text

Xtra large text

Here is a link in a paragraph of text.

Here is some bold text. Here is some emphasised text.

  • This is an unordered list
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Last item
  1. This is an ordered list
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Last item


This is a details block

This is the details content

Yoast Breadcrumbs

Home » Typography


This is a quote block.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

This is the quote citation

This is the pullquote block

Here is the citation

Table block

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Row 1
Row 2
Here is a table caption

Separator block

Code block

This is inline code
This is the preformatted bock


These are the default colours. Change these to the theme colours to test. It’s important to check all of the button colours on the website designs, but also other colour combinations that aren’t on the designs in case they’re added in the future.

Check for both functionality and accessibility.

Default button

Fill Button with background

Outline Button

Media blocks

Image block

Improve search rankings

This is a Media and Text block

customer values

This is a cover block with 20% tint and parallax

Video block

Can be Youtube, Vimeo etc

File block (pdf)

Column and Group blocks

One column of text with narrow column

Donec vehicula diam sollicitudin, pretium sapien in, hendrerit magna. Maecenas tincidunt dapibus iaculis. Aliquam in fringilla arcu. Sed porta vel augue eu feugiat. Nam vitae sodales nisl. Cras pretium dolor sit amet egestas dignissim. Suspendisse id odio tincidunt, facilisis erat in, ultricies sem. Vivamus a neque quis metus porttitor dapibus.

Two column layout

Aliquam et tempor ligula. Aliquam sed sem convallis, molestie eros vitae, dictum purus. Suspendisse sagittis lacus in lacus varius, quis posuere metus ultrices.

Donec vehicula diam sollicitudin, pretium sapien in, hendrerit magna. Maecenas tincidunt dapibus iaculis. Aliquam in fringilla arcu. Sed porta vel augue eu feugiat. Nam vitae sodales nisl. Cras pretium dolor sit amet egestas dignissim. Suspendisse id odio tincidunt, facilisis erat in, ultricies sem. Vivamus a neque quis metus porttitor dapibus.

Three column layout

Maecenas maximus egestas finibus. Praesent metus metus, laoreet ut erat non, dictum cursus metus. Aliquam bibendum justo in quam aliquam, vitae congue nunc tincidunt.

Nam a nibh sed magna pharetra fringilla. Aliquam nisl mauris, tincidunt quis velit a, ultrices fringilla orci. Nunc efficitur augue vehicula nunc euismod ultrices eu ut lectus. Maecenas sit amet leo elementum, posuere magna a, efficitur leo. Donec a pellentesque libero.

In suscipit tortor aliquet enim tempus pellentesque. Phasellus efficitur risus sit amet risus blandit efficitur. Aliquam viverra feugiat massa in iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam a erat pulvinar, luctus turpis nec, rhoncus sem. Aliquam est lorem, rhoncus ut sagittis vitae, laoreet non libero.

This is a full-width group block

This is a standard-width group block

Posts and query blocks

Latest posts

Latest posts

  • Christmas Bazaar 2024
    On Saturday 7th December, The Friends of St Monica’s hosted a wonderful Christmas Bazaar. The school was packed full of people enjoying mulled wine, bouncy castle, tasty food, entertainment from the choir, Centre Stage and Dance Stables, interesting stalls and fabulous things to purchase for Christmas gifts! It is staggering the generosity of parents who […]
  • Thank you to The Friends!
    Throughout the year, The Friends have been spending their hard earned cash on the children and staff. Every time an interactive whiteboard reaches the end of its life, The Friends will purchase a new one – that’s five new boards this year. In addition, they have spent £1,000s on new books for the classroom reading […]
  • Year 3 visit to Westminster Cathedral
    On 4th December Year 3 travelled by underground to Westminster Cathedral for the Diocesan Schools’ Advent Service. They listened to the nativity story, sang hymns and saw a real live donkey walking into the cathedral! Their behaviour travelling to and from the cathedral and while they were inside was impeccable!

Archive list

Post template

  • Christmas Bazaar 2024

    Christmas Bazaar 2024

    On Saturday 7th December, The Friends of St Monica’s hosted a wonderful Christmas Bazaar. The school was packed full of people enjoying mulled […]

  • Thank you to The Friends!

    Thank you to The Friends!

    Throughout the year, The Friends have been spending their hard earned cash on the children and staff. Every time an interactive whiteboard reaches […]

  • Year 3 visit to Westminster Cathedral

    Year 3 visit to Westminster Cathedral

    On 4th December Year 3 travelled by underground to Westminster Cathedral for the Diocesan Schools’ Advent Service. They listened to the nativity story, […]

Blocks from plugins

Gravity forms

Accordion item

Plain accordion

Title for accordion

Content in accordion

more content in accordion

Accordion with yellow number

1Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor.