St Monica's Catholic Primary School

RE Inspection

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We had a Diocesan Inspection from the Diocese of Westminster on 13th March 2020. Four inspectors spent the day in our school observing lessons, acts of worship and talking to governors, staff, children and parents. The whole process was quality assured by Chief Inspector, Jane Goring. We were very pleased with the outcome.

Please click on the link below to read the full report.

Pupils in assembly

Letter from Jane Goring

Dear Kate

Congratulations to you, governors, leadership team and staff on this fantastic diocesan inspection report!

Shining through the report is the fact that St Monica’s is a wonderful school where relationships are strong and people are valued. It was a delight to read of (and for me to see!) the ways in which you develop the children to become the people God created them to be, in participating in liturgy and in supporting the Common Good. I was impressed by the rich prayer life of the school, the focus on issues of social justice and our duty to care for the poor and the marginalised.

I was particularly impressed by the extensive ways in which you use the Forest School to enliven the children’s spirituality as well as their understanding of our need to care for our environment. Your engagement with parents and parish is inspiring, as you work together to create a truly cohesive outstanding Catholic community. What also came through as a real strength was the ways in which you are working to make classroom religious education the best it can be, building the pupils’ religious literacy so they are empowered to articulate their faith with enthusiasm and maturity.

As always it is the quality of leadership, the vision and inspiration of the head and her leadership team, together with governors, that enables a school to ensure pupils receive the best quality of Catholic education.

With every good wish and warmest congratulations,

Jane Goring
Chief Inspector of Schools
Diocese of Westminster