St Monica's Catholic Primary School


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This year’s Christmas Pet Competition was as popular as ever! You can see all the entries below:

The CHRISTMAS BAZAAR took place on Saturday 2nd December and a wonderful time was had by all. Have a look at our Christmas Bazaar video! We were fortunate to have lots of support from local businesses – take a look at the e-brochure:

St Monica’s receives one of the lowest budgets of all the schools in Enfield and so we rely heavily on the Friends to raise vital funds for our children. The Friends Committee is a group of committed parents who meet regularly to organise events across the whole school year. Each year they raise around £30,000!

The funds are used to purchase resources and equipment for our children. Recently they have purchased a projectors for the main school hall and infant hall, several interactive whiteboards for classrooms, two sets of Google ChromeBooks, one set of 16 iPads and bought £1000s of new reading books for every class. In addition, every year they buy crosses for the Year 3 children to commemorate their first Holy Communion and resources for every classroom for their day to day learning.

More recently as times have become financially difficult for schools, The Friends have had to step in to help the school balance its budget. This money has been used to purchase the basic resources that every child needs, site licenses for all the online learning and forest school maintenance.

About the Friends

What do we do?

The Friends of St Monica’s is a registered charity that raises funds for St Monica’s school. The committee meets a couple of couple of times each term to discuss past events and plan forthcoming ones. We aim to host an array of events throughout the year with something to appeal to everyone: from quiz nights to the golf day and children’s discos. Our key fundraisers are the Christmas Bazaar held in December and the Summer Fete which is in the last term. Just by being a parent you are a Friend of St Monica’s but new members are always welcome on the committee.

Who are we?

Co-Chairs – Linda Groarke and Emma Phelpps
Vice Chairs – Kathleen Thomas and Bonnie De Seze
Secretary – Lisa Mounsey-Thear
Treasurer – Anne-Marie Byrne

Read our Constitution

Where does our money go?

Kate Baptiste will usually provide a long list of “wanted” items to ensure the children have everything they need for an excellent education.

In the past, The Friends have raised a huge sum of money for the major redevelopment of the junior, infant and reception playgrounds. This included the building of new infant climbing equipment, a shaded pergola and the wonderful ampitheatre. In addition they provide all our technical upgrades for the ICT suite (which houses 31 Microsoft computers), Google ChromeBooks and iPads.

These projects all benefit the pupils greatly but at some expense. The school wouldn’t be able to make these regular improvements without all of our help, so please look at the forthcoming events and see if you can help to support our fundraising efforts over the coming year. Thank you.

Your ideas

You can post any suggestions you have about past or future events in the Friends’ box which is outside the school entrance. Alternatively email us at