St Monica's Catholic Primary School

School Day

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The main school gate opens at 8:50am and children can come into school ready for a 9am start.

In order to ensure every child’s safety, if your child is going to absent from school, you must notify the office on the first day by 10am to let us know and also give the reason for the absence eg temperature. If your child has an infectious illness it is vital that we know so that we can monitor the situation.

St Monica's School pupils

If your child has a school dinner and is going to be late to school, you must phone the office to notify them, as they calculate numbers for catering purposes by 10am.

Every child’s attendance is regularly monitored by the Education Welfare Officer. Good attendance is 96%+. Any attendance below that is monitored and if below 90% parents will be contacted.

If you need to take your child out of school for any reason, you must complete a “Request for time out of school” form and give it to the office at least one week before the absence is due to take place. The Headteacher is not allowed to authorise time out of school for holidays.

10:30 – 10:45am

Reception 11:45 – 1pm
Infants 12 – 1pm
Juniors 12:15 – 1:15pm

School ends

It is very important that all children are brought to school and collected from school on time. Excellent punctuality has a very positive impact on your child’s learning experience.